ooc note.  not affliated with duan xiaowei / mukuchi-chan. all psds belong to chai. carrd text formatting accredited to saber. the usual krp rules apply: no fl, no oocverse, no minors. heavily inspired by hitori goto (bocchi the rock). although siqi as slice-of-life as a character could possibly be, i'm open to writing with all universes! i have a strong preference for literate threads but i'll mirror :3. timezone is est. dms are open for plotting pls hmu out of nowhere fr. written by yang.

there are no major trigger warnings within this carrd.

 name.  yΓ¬ sΔ«qΓ­.
 aliases.  shiki, qi.
 date of birth.  november twenty-seventh.
 international age.  twenty-six.
 gender identity.  cis-female.
 orientations.  unsure, comfortably not entirely straight.
 marital status.  single.
 ETHNICITY.  chinese.
 NATIONALITY.  korean, born and raised.
 residence.  a typical two-bedroom apartment.
 EDUCATION.  undergrad degree in music composition.
 OCCUPATION.  side hustle extraordinaire (currently a food delivery driver), guitarist perpetually working on commission, faceless youtuber.

 FACECLAIM.  duan xiaowei.
 VOCAL COLOR.  rounded, rich, and warm voice. surprisingly loud, even louder when she's excited.
 languages.  mandarin β‰₯ korean > english > japanese.
 HEIGHT.  five-foot eight or 175 cm.
 PHYSIQUE.  slim. never once hit the gym, so she has disproportionately toned forearms and veiny hands.
 HAIR.  natural brown-black hair; always slightly disheveled.
 NOTABLE FEATURES.  several beauty marks, terrible posture, rough fingertips.
 TATTOOS.  none.
 PIERCINGS.  both lobes.
 SCARS.  none.

 MBTI.  ISFJ-T, the protector. introverted and often reserved, but also socially skilled. warm, understanding of others, as well as able to be analytical, detailed, and efficient. they tend to repress their emotions.
 TRAITS.  gentle, clever, fearful, meticulous (in theory), lazy (in practice), compromising, spacey, worrywart, elusive, obsequious, laconic, kind, independent.
 VICES.  pride / greed / gluttony / sloth / wrath / envy / lust
 VIRTUES.  kindness / charity / humility / temperance / diligence / chastity / patience
 LIKES.  merlot, people-watching, true crime, reddit, online shopping, anime, writing nonsensical lyrics, tanukis, dark/enclosed spaces, macabre stories and aesthetics, physical affection, complimenting others.
 DISLIKES.  confrontation, trying new food, winter, romance (as a genre), surprises, being seen in glasses, exercise, having her picture taken, sped up tiktok remixes, gossip, coffee, auditions/interviews.

 diagnoses.  high-functioning inattentive-type adhd, which exacerbates her social anxiety and emotional dysregulation. probably depressed, but she'll blame it on her burgeoning quarter-life crisis and go about her business like usual.
 ATTITUDE.  pushover to a fault; can't say no once someone starts applying pressure. it tends to get her into a lot of trouble (or fun, if she's lucky). very playful at heart and is willing to be the butt of jokes to entertain friends. siqi's soft-hearted and easy to frighten, so she tends to scurry off from socializing when she's 'at capacity.' trainwreck at keeping conversations going but is! trying! her! best!
 EXPRESSIVENESS.  puts up a very collected and laid-back front, is actually strategizing her next move at all times, down to the minutia! tends to stare intensely when listening; some would say it's unsettling. speaks in one-liners by default and as a crutch. does not use expletives, squeamish when she hears them in excess. constantly loses her train of thought without realizing it, often resulting her trailing off mid-sentence.

  βœ©.      modest upbringing, modest lifestyle. born into a musical family and raised with both parents in the picture. although she's the apple of their eyes, siqi has always politely kept to herself. what's kept their bond strong is their shared love of music. her father's gibson les paul, her first guitar, is still in good condition.  βœ©.      siqi wasn't bullied in her early years, but she certainly was ostracized. whether it be due to cultural differences or her blatant introversion, friends didn't come to her easily. in the grand scheme of things, she didn't mind; she had the internet and her guitar by her side.  βœ©.      started her youtube channel in 2014, garnering a small but loyal social media following that gradually gained traction. as the daughter of a concert guitarist, siqi attended her father's alma mater, where she realized her biggest dream is to be a part of a rock band.  βœ©.      to no one's surprise, her social anxiety and rbf never let that dream come to fruition. by the time she graduated from university, siqi gained her own reputation as an ice queen in the music department β€” skilled in her own right, yet utterly unapproachable.  βœ©.      so began her balancing act between youtube and part-time jobs. after mistakenly uploading unedited footage revealed her face/identity, a small wave of talent scouts and band managers came her way. siqi ignored or backed out of every single audition she was invited to.  βœ©.      still, her parents urged siqi to apply herself professionally. she eventually agreed to join an indie label mainly dedicated to recording drama OST arrangements (she especially doesn't like ballads) (hates them bad in fact). siqi, a proper fan of psychedelic and garage rock, loathes every second of it, but she has bills to pay.  βœ©.      by now, siqi has a marginally better grip on masking. she acts like she's at the age of retirement, thinks it's time to throw in the towel for the whole band thing, that she's past her golden years. sulks about it at least three times a day. if anyone were to ask her what her goals are, she'd just shrug and say, "can't complain..."

  βœ©.      a lot more talkative, comfortable, and approachable from behind a screen. has only recently recovered from being chronically online, but old habits die hard. her online identity is where her true personality shines and it's a far cry from her standoffish in-person demeanor.  βœ©.      don't ask her to dance unless you want to see a woman with two left feet and a dream.  βœ©.      siqi deletes 90% of her tweets.  βœ©.      hanging out with siqi is a three-tier process. the first stage is her ignoring any invitation out by changing the topic. the second is her conveniently being very busy for the next week. the third is her finally caving and showing face.  βœ©.      her nickname, shiki, was coined through an accidental mispronunciation siqi took months to correct. finds it to be pretty cute despite the entire ordeal being pretty debasing.  βœ©.      her youtube channel, known as yitarhero, peaked at around 98k subscribers. siqi more or less capitalized on being a female guitarist (read: by cosplaying) and cashed in on anime/video game fans by covering OSTs/sharing tabs. youtube oomfies with sungha jung. they haven't exchanged a word with one another.  βœ©.      somehow always gets subjected to playing the dress-up doll by her few friends (and mother). if someone tells her she looks good in something, she'll buy it without question; now, her wardrobe's... well, eclectic, to say the least.  βœ©.      enjoys drinking a little too much and only avoids it because she hates how bright her asian glow gets. she reminds herself of larry the lobster in all the worst ways.  βœ©.      proud owner of a sapphire chinchilla named jimihen. he unwillingly has to hear all about her deepest thoughts and feelings every day.  βœ©.      although she markets herself as a guitarist, her talents extend to the keyboard, guzheng, and guqin. siqi's penned more songs than she can keep track of, but she finds them to be too depressing to let them see the light of day. she's been losing sleep trying to wrap her head around ableton and FL studio.  βœ©.      obsessed with all things tanukis. stuffed animals, phone cases, pop sockets, blankets, mugs β€” you name it, siqi's guaranteed to own a tanuki-featured version of it.

  βœ©.      younger sibling [0/1]. siqi and them have a good relationship. they have a good system going: she's a reliable and doting older sister, and they remind her to fulfill basic human needs from time to time. sometimes, siqi feels envious of them, as their sibling has always been more outgoing and confident than her.  βœ©.      roommate [1/1]. siqi's a certified very good roommateβ„’. she cleans up after herself, doesn't make a lot of noise, and always cooks for two. if anything, her pet chinchilla causes more trouble than she ever has. she's just a homebody and stays locked in her room all day.  dior seo.   βœ©.      fitness journey [2/2]. they've been friends for some time. as it turns out, not exercising for 99% of your life comes with consequences. after seeing siqi get winded from going up three flights of stairs, they start to drag her to the gym with them. they're fully aware she won't get a single thing done by herself.  kainΓ© vos, andrew ahn.   βœ©.      e-jam sessions [2/2]. they exchange all things nerdy and musical with one another. arranging songs is her love language, so she loves to help put together the perfect track. only... siqi's not a fan of leaving the comfort of a pile of blankets, and opts to participate in the process over sms and email. wouldn't it be much easier to just bounce ideas off of one another in person? spoiler: these two can summon siqi at the drop of a hat.  may, mika song.   βœ©.      the stand-in [1/2]. this character is often in the spotlight while siqi offers support in the background; when a gig is suddenly short a guitarist, they decide to cash in on a favor by asking siqi to temporarily fill the position. best of luck to the person asking, because she's going to try wearing a ski mask on stage.  kwon soobin, ???.   βœ©.      bandmates [0/4]. her found family. more or less coerced into auditioning by someone very enthusiastic. stage fight aside, siqi's an exceptional guitarist. the biggest challenge is that she's been playing all by herself for so long, it turns out that she sucks at syncing up with other musicians.  βœ©.      not another ballad [1/2]. siqi's stuck in the studio helping to compose yet another ballad for yet another sappy drama. she hates it here. maybe they bond over it, maybe they hate her negative energy, maybe they start their own little side project.  lily choi, ???.